The end of a thought…

by Callagrace

Today was one of those days that things just felt right. I had decided some time ago to say goodbye to a project that began a few months back but was debating the right way to do so. In the past all I would do with old projects is crush and destroy and eventually just toss it into the bin. This time I decided to document it with the help of my friend Leah Mooney and Leo Bonarigo. Myself and Leah photographed while Leo filmed the whole experience. Now granted we filmed this morning so nothing will be done for a while but until then enjoy the photographs bellow. These are a series of shots taken throughout the experience and although they may not appear super exciting it was somewhat refreshing to finish the project  this way. This truly felt like the end of a thought, an idea of a toxic growth that pushed away by nature or maybe consumed by it. Either way it was a great experience. Please take a look… and enjoy. I’ll post the video once its completed.