Callagrace's Blog

Just another weblog

Category: Works on Paper

Well, Today felt like a good day to write!

Hello there,

I know it has been quite some time since my last post but I wanted to announce that I have started a blog that went live on April 1st, The blog is called 365days1year. It is a blog about my everyday challenge of keeping myself in the right mental state to allow myself to draw regularly. With every day I require myself to create something, which can range from a drawing in the sand to a finished watercolor. Either way by midnight of that day there must be a post for everyone to see and read. So far, so good. I am onto day twenty-seven and going strong still. It has been a wonderful challenge for myself, since I now feel that I have an obligation to others to keep the posts coming. Bellow I have included a few images from what I have created thus far. Please take a look and spread the word!

So it’s not much but it’s something!

As you know I gave myself an assignment of a small set of prints which would compiled into a book format. Well as you probably expected I have yet to complete that but I have done a few of the plates. Only the branch one is finished but there are many others in the works and I hope to have a finished version to show you soon. I do however think it is interesting to see how my intentions of drawing unrecognizable things completely changed into very common imagery, but once I arrived in New Hampshire I found everyday moments so interesting I just wanted to draw that. I’m trying to interpret them my own way and put my own eye into it, but it takes some time to truly develop something real into something you can call your own. The mood in the end will be important to me since that was such an essential part of the times when I would draw. Each morning I would wake up early to be alone and uninterrupted. You start to notice everything from the slight shift in the breeze and the way it affects the branch you were drawing to the repetitive sound of small waves crashing against the waves. It was wonderful…. wish I could go back.

watercolors in the works

Working on some larger watercolors, which for now work for me. None of these feel complete yet but they feel good to make. I’m still playing with color right now really just testing to see what happens with different combinations. More to come.

a complex web

Well, after attempting to try one type of image for my collaborative project I decided all the previous drawings sucked…. but these ones are pretty great. These watercolor washed webs really have inspired me and I’m trying to push them larger. Currently the biggest one is about 20 by 30. My colors have not really worked themselves out yet but I’m still experimenting.

studies for a collaborative project…

these are some rough sketches of a collaboration project I’m doing with Sarah Manson from Ireland, they are still only in their beginning states.

Second attempt at a color print…

I decided I wanted to have another go at a multiple plate print and I’m happy I did because I’ve learned a few good things. First and foremost if I ever attempt to have as many plates as I did during this project my head spins and well I can’t seem to focus on the image and instead I focus on the technique, which normally does not create an interesting image. Also, I learned that editing has become a great skill. After creating 4 plates that worked together  I always wanted to print them all, so a forewarning to you, some of these prints are busy. However, after a while I learned that in many cases less is more and hopefully this is the biggest accomplishment of this project. please let me know any thoughts or critique you have, another set of eyes is always helpful.

The color print…

Well lets just begin with saying that this project was very intimidating since I primarily feel comfort in black white and gray tones, but considering the facts I was pretty happy with the outcome. Bellow are the final print some variations and collaborations. Enjoy.

Collaboration with Chelsea and Nick

Variation with stamping

variation with stamping

variation flipped plate

color variation

color variation

final edition

Okay here we go again!

So I think posting about how guilty I felt made me work extra hard to get some decent work produced…. of course when I say decent these are merely study drawings but I always finish my studies since I consider them a piece in themselves. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave any comments, they are always helpful! By the way they are all made with chalk pastel and india ink washes.

some of the drawings Im considering for the review

I need input… I have my own thoughts of course but always interested in what others have to say… take a look and let me know which 4 you would choose.

The collection of prints for final review

Let me know what you think these are the prints Im using in my final review I love four of them and feel ok about the other two. I really would love some feed back so feel free to let me know what you think, which ones you like and which ones your all set with.

These are the two images I’m not so crazy about. the second print I really like how much it looks like a drawing but the image itself doesn’t feel complete.

The last print is my favorite from the semester it happened quite naturally and developed the same way my drawings would.