A Rather Exciting Summer….

by Callagrace

Well, summer is at an end and I must say that with that said I am very pleased with what I accomplished thus far. A little of this and a little of that really. I had started another blog back in April 365days1year.com and it really worked. I have managed to produce 165 completed images to date, that have been published and posted on the blog. As one might expect I had to adjust the blogs goals as time went on, primarily the whole “I’m going to post every day,” who did I think I was? I mean it’s not like I work a full-time job and a part-time job and have a husband and two dogs and a rather embarrassing social life… Oh wait nope I do have all those things…. SOOOO I had to adjust the requirement to post every day to about once a week, loosely. It’s not that I am not making or creating something each day, but afterwards I am not always up to posting, it takes a different side of me. Below are some images of works created along the way.

On another note, I joined the Hull Artists Studio Connection, which has been another wonderful endeavour, proving to be worth the little effort it took on my end to become a member. It is great to talk with fellow artists who are attempting to make a profit on their works as well. In addition it is also nice to have a few venues for showing handed to you with little effort. I participated in two Open Studio Tours, one in July and one in August, both allowing me to meet some wonderful people along the way. In addition I was able to participate in Endless Summer this past weekend and that was a lot of fun. Not exactly the art touring kind of mentality but a great networking event and networking is what it is all about.  Below are some of the images of my set ups from both events.

So after all of that, with a new season approaching it is time for change yet again. My husband and I are moving from Hull to Canton and although it is close in retrospect it will be quite different. With every change I like to promote new goals within myself the next being online purchasing. Once upon a time I created an ETSY account, which since then has grown spider webs, if it were possible. Within the next month or so I hope to have successfully set up my ETSY shop for purchases. I will inform you as soon as I pull it together… believe it or not my biggest concern is shipping, who knew!
On another note, I did start a new project which I am super excited about but not really ready to fully disclose so until then here are images of projects in the works….